Kyouma (凶魔 Kyōma ), lit. "Evil Demons", called fiends in the anime adaptation, are the monsters spawned from the Majin with the purpose of killing humans.
All Kyouma are born in the Wailing Demon Territory in the area where the Majin is sealed; a place now surrounded by a fortress constructed under the orders of Cargikk. Something akin to infant mortality appears to occur when most are born as from the cesspool that they arise can sprout malformed and almost random mishmashes of animal traits and features, because of unstable nature of their bodies makeup some are in capable of moving at all and merely sink back beneath the ooze that they arose from; only a few can survive their birth if they have bodies capable of escaping their place of birth before being consumed by the will which first gave them life.
Regardless of however their bodies were formed and what their forms were at birth a Kyouma's body is malleable and fluid to the extent that a Kyouma can will a metamorphosis if desired, growing, copying or assimilating new organic material, and combining them to create unique abilities. However most Kyouma lack the intelligence and willpower needed to make full potential of these abilities, and so will usually only adapt more superficial changes that make the basic tendency of killing easier or more effective, he most common of these being a singular horn for reasons not yet disclosed, but other common and shared attributes in Kyouma are enhanced senses, strength and possessing powerful predator tools such as fangs and claws, a sharp contrast to a horn which is often an accessory for self-defense, finding a mate or asserting dominance by prey animals. Tgurneu realizing this weakness instructed some of his more intelligent of underlings to create more useful abilities as his discretion, or to find a way to enhance their existing abilities to be used more strategically and tactically; these Kyouma would come to be called the Dark Specialists and reveal that though their powers are diverse, and effective and their methods of preforming and obtaining them unique and creattive, that their is indeed a limit to how much of the Kyouma's organic composition they can change and refine. Possibly eluding to a limit to how much mass and bodily intricacy they can maintain at a given time with these changes even coming at the cost of other features that a Kyouma may possess such as mobility and durability.
One such specialist was even able to create human reproductive organs and with it birth a human/Kyouma bybrid named Fremie Speedraw, who possesses numerous traits typical of Kyouma such as reverence to a higher Kyouma, enhanced senses and can also attribute to her odd appearance, being extremely pale, with snow white hair, the remnants of the all too common Kyouma horn on her head, immunity to the poison of the Wailing Demon Territory, a greater ability to hold onto nutrition consumed and Heterochromia iridum: eyes of independent color to the other, both of which lacked pupils and were odd shades of light blue and dulled red. Fremie's bizarre appearance could imply that the hybridization is incomplete as her skin, hair and eye conditions can all be explained as a result of a mutation in pigmentation or signs of a deficiency, possibly as a consequence of her unique mother, or her existence as a hybrid. Nevertheless as she is not entirely a Kyouma Fremie has the will to resist her instincts and the emotional capacity to form meaningful connections and make decisions without Tgurneu's influence.
However a Kyouma's body is in truth more of an outer-shell; a Kyouma is in truth a singular organ core around an organic construct that serves as the body. To effectively kill a Kyouma, its core must be destroyed; If only the physical body is killed, the Kyouma can regenerate after some time. While a Kyouma is able to achieve unique and powerful changes on their bodies, their cores can never be changed and will always come with the a very crucial weakness: the blood of a Saint works like a dangerous poison to a Kyouma's core, acting like a neurotoxin that destroys their brain and motor functions. However, to kill a high level Kyouma about a cup of blood would be needed, making in impractical in most cases, Folonia Manchetta being the Saint of Fresh Blood is the exception as her privledges as a saint allows her to weaponize and control her blood like a whip; furthermore Atro Spiker was able to reconstruct the properties of Saint's blood with the Saint's spear, an achievement he considered to be his masterpiece and Adlet Meyer would later impale himself with the Saint's spear allowing his own blood to obtain these properties and work in the same regard, though it is unknown if this is permanent or temporary.
Perhaps because of their supernatural origins Kyouma are unlike anything else ever observed and are a mystery that perplexes those who try to understand them; only Atro Spiker who uses bleeding edge scientific understandings and models has been able to discern their important nuances and weaknesses making him one of the collective Kyouma's most dangerous of enemies, and his disciple Adlet Meyer has proven very adept at analyzing the patterns that the Kyouma typically engage in and strategizing around all observed obstacles allowing for the braves to continue forwards into the alien territory without suffering casualties.
The Kyouma exist as a hive minded collective that possesses an innate and unquenchable urge to kill humans, universally work towards the Majin's freedom and have pledged unconditional loyalty to one of the three commanders and will readily follow every single order even if it means death primarily to satiate these instincts. Said commanders are three Kyouma who are unique in that they possess great willpower, a wide range of emotions, a high level of intelligence, and the understanding of organizing those who follow their wills allowing them to serve a military commanders to their brethren. They are known as Tgurneu, Cargikk, and Dozzu, originally during the second awakening of the Majin the three were in fact a part of the same faction led by Cargikk, but have sense separated and now each lead their own faction, and plot to kill the braves to usurp full command of the Kyouma collective for themselves. Furthermore each possesses a unique power that defies the usual standard of a Kyouma relying on selective organic mutations implying that with their greater evolution has come supernatural agency. During the battle of the first generation of Six Braves against the Majin, there was a Kyouma called Zophrair who seemed to fill a similar role and thus was dubbed "Demon King" by humans. It is implied in Dozzu's backstory that the three evolved as a consequence of Zophrair's downfall as their evolution corresponds with the Demon King's death by the hands of Hero King Fulner.
Not including the three commanders, the vast majority (70%) of Kyouma are of a low order and have limited intelligence and wills, a minority (30%) are intelligent and thus can use this intelligence to their advantage in coming up with plans to use the lower order Kyouma, and have typically evolved features to aid them such as a larynx to speak; however they do not feel emotions, only the instinctive urge to kill humans and absolute reverence and obedience to the commander of whom they have sword their allegiance to. Because of this, regardless of their intelligence they lack the ability to comprehend humans putting them at a disadvantage against them, and making them easy to manipulate or trick when logic does not add up. Tgurneu's most prominent host noted, however that if they discovered that Tgurneu in truth cared nothing for the Majin's resurrection than they would likely turn on him, implying that their is some degree of will in these lesser orders, which would be necessary to follow and comprehend the orders that they are given. Said host's apparent apathy to Tgurneu's true colors also implies that amongst the Kyouma their are individual levels of subservience to their instincts. Furthermore Fremie's mother displayed genuine care and compassion for her daughter and dog, implying that lesser Kyouma can learn to feel and comprehend emotions if stimulated which could relate back to the sudden unexpected evolution of the three commanders.